03.01.18 - "RABBIT RABBIT" - as Sarah Jessica Parker would say ! (Happy March 1st!!)

TODAY, March 1st 2018 THE GAP has launched their limited edition Spring children's collaboration designed by Sarah Jessica Parker. The campaign features some gorgeous models - there is one that we'd like to make special mention of however - OURS!

CONGRATULATIONS TO PEYTON W. for letting life do its thaaaang and granting you and thereby us feelings of hopefulness - the possibility that LUCK - is absolutely granted to everyone that choses to *believe*.

When asked what surprised him most about humanity, the Dalai Lama answered, "we sacrifice our health in order to make wealth, then we sacrifice our wealth in order to get back our health." Consistently striving to know the future, in fear that perhaps *luck* is merely an unattainable illusion, we sadly don't enjoy the present.

Today, being the first of the month - one of SJP's known "superstitions" is to always say 'rabbit rabbit' every first of the month to make sure you've kick-started your very own luck for the four weeks to come. Today, March 1st 2018 is the official launch of the much anticipated GapKids limited-edition collection with Sarah Jessica Parker. "Inspired by Parker's childhood heirlooms, the collection celebrates love, LUCK, and magic!" ;-)

In an industry that requires a ton of "faith" in our dreams ... the world of entertainment - particularly for kids - Parker's Collaboration with GapKids inspires what we are all faced to believe in every single day - a little belief in lady-LUCK.

We are THRILLED to have been LUCKY enough to have booked our absolutely deserving, talented, and too cute for words #PEYTON ! , for Parker's "Hand-Me-Down" campaign co-lab for GAPKIDS .

During her interview with Eric Wilson for InStyle Magazine, featured in the publication's current MARCH 2018 issue, Parker does not hesitate to speak on the direct inspiration for her kids line. Parker speaks to Wilson regarding the vast difference between her less than luxurious childhood upbringing and the life-style she lives today - a life-style which she believes she attained through a seemingly magical - yet REAL - aspect of all of our lives - LUCK.

Wilson writes, "In a world that is now filled with luxury kids clothes and disposable fast fashion, it was this wistfulness for a simpler time that inspired Parker when she set out to design her first children's collection, in partnership with GapKids, on sale March 1." <-- that's TODAY guys !!

So before you head to stores to see the line for yourselves - let's just tie this back around to earlier mentioned quote from the Dalai Lama. In order to live presently - it is important to remember not TO dwell. Not on the past - OR - on the future. With a little of SJP's belief system in mind - let us gather inner strength and that ability to live the now ... right NOW. "Love, Luck & Magic. For a little luck, take a cue from Sarah Jessica and say "rabbit, rabbit" on the first of the month. *What goes around comes back around* - what happens RIGHT NOW can only happen right now. Instead of missing out on your very own "now" - have a little faith in life's process ... in other words ... 'ENJOY'.

PEYTON star's in Parker's campaign which can be seen in stores as well as ALL OVER the web, today! A dream come true for our City-Fam, a dream come true for a "born star" like mister PEYTON. So today, we say "RABBIT RABBIT" as well as "THANK YOU THANK YOU" to life for sharing with us a lil bit of the MAGIC SJP lives each day.

HAPPY FIRST OF THE MONTH FAM!! Follow Peyton's modeling journey on Instagram via
@peytonkw as well as ours; @citymodeltalent_ny !!

LOVE YA! xoxo